Learn more about RWE Labs

who we are, what we do and why we exist

What is RWE Labs?

Who we are and what we do

RWE Labs is a division of Ryan Walpole Enterprises (stylized as RWE)

We were founded originally as RWE Softworks, a division of RWE that was responsible for passion projects and hobby software. The first of which was the RyTek3 AFP, which was built to patch the aging and buggy RyTek3 platform.

If an RWE employee has an idea that wouldn't match the formula of a typical RWE software product, RWE Labs is where it will usually get published.

Why RWE Labs?

You've already got RWE afterall

Ryan Walpole Enterprises was founded originally in 2008 by Ryan Walpole, simply as "Ryan Walpole Software" in order to release software that he had been creating. In 2009, Ryan also founded Pudince LLC. He would use Pudince LLC in the future to release AeroBrowse, AIR, Spring, Code LX, RyTek, Vintra as well as a suite of consumer apps and partnerships, like ViatelCo and Facebook for Windows Phone.

In 2018, Ryan Walpole Software was renamed to Ryan Walpole Enterprises, as 51% of Pudince LLC was sold to Microsoft Corporation. Ryan Walpole Enterprises would assume the other 49%.

Ryan Walpole Enterprises is and always has been a place to release consumer grade software of a high calibre, high refinement and software that makes sense to the company culture. We understand that there is amazing software and development ideas that simply don't match the RWE formula. It's for that reason that we established a dedicated subsidiary. Development of RWE Labs software is undertaken completely independently to that of RWE, and on a different scale. RWE Labs, in a way, is the small team of developers that have a hobby working out of their Garage by night, that go to work at RWE by day.






If our software references your game or intellectual property and you'd like references changed or removed, please get in touch with the form attached.

If you want to submit a bug report or give us feedback for Stardew Valley Mod Manager, you can do that here.